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Gail Gritts
50 Bible Words
Do you get confused when you read your Bible? Do words sometimes seem to make so sense? Well, you aren't alone. Because the English language is always in flux, the meanings of some of the Bible words have changed. This devotional word study takes the original meanings and looks at the variety of definitions for 50 Bible words. You'll sometimes be surprised by the definitions, but you'll not miss the application to your life.
These devotionals were published by groups of twelve as eBooks and paperback.
Light that Shines addresses anxiety, worry, and gives you fuel for marriage.
Contentment and Captives looks at fear, mental strength, and encouragement.
Build that Wall is a discussion on depression.
Let's Visit takes time to discuss the need for a fresh breath of air, being content,
and encourages the reader to know we are not desolate.
Spice Up Your Life is a study on spiritual disciplines to strengthen our inner life.
You will also find individual links to each of these books on the home page.
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